Heart Health for Your Golf Course: Pump Station Services

A golf course pump station is like a heart pushing blood through a network of arteries and veins. In irrigation terms, these are the main and lateral pipes that carry water to the sprinkler heads. A healthy heart offers longevity, while a well-maintained and functional pump station brings your turf to life.
If the pump station is inefficient, then even the most advanced control and sprinkler systems become irrelevant, as the water cannot be optimally channelled to the sprinkler heads. On the other hand, if the pump station is well looked after and serviced, it can typically keep going for more than 20 years.
An under-performing pump station may indicate a potential failure, and repair costs can add up substantially if the problem is not addressed and rectified. This is why pump-station maintenance on golf courses has to be proactive.
Preventive maintenance needs to be tailored and adjusted depending on the pump station’s environment. To put it simply, this means the quality of the water handled by the pump: water containing a lot of salt or high concentrations of heavy metals will wear down a pump more quickly than regular lake water. As a result, pump service intervals must be set according to the site. Similarly, which components require the most care will vary, and different tasks, such as inspecting the pump-motor paint coating, checking oil levels, servicing the packing, checking the pump intake column, lubricating valve handles, calibrating gauges, and cleaning filter screens, will become more urgent under certain conditions. There is no one-size-fits-all here!
Even with a properly serviced pump station, nature will eventually take its toll on older units. When this inevitably happens, either the whole or part of the pump system can be updated or integrated with newer components to improve performance. For example, upgrading the pump control circuits to programmable logic controllers (PLCs) can help save on electricity bills and reduce water hammering that can damage aging irrigation pipes. Replacing a strain filter with an automatic backwash filter is another modification that can give a pump a new lease of life.
Jebsen & Jessen works with renowned pump manufacturers, and we can provide the latest upgrades, modifications and outstanding maintenance services for your pump station.
Contact Jebsen & Jessen for irrigation system maintenance and audit services for your golf course.